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Bad Habits that Can Affect Teeth

Habits are behaviours we carry out subconsciously. Constant repetition becomes second nature, and soon we do these things without noticing. When we support certain habits over a long period of time, they can eventually affect the state of our health. For example, people who exercise regularly tend to maintain a healthier weight compared to those who habitually snack on junk food.

In the case of oral health, some habits can directly affect the state of our teeth and gums.

Here are some habits that can affect our health:


Bad Habits that Can Affect Teeth


Constantly snacking on hard candies/snacks

Many snacks contain excess sugar, increasing the possibility of developing cavities. Control your snacking impulse by gradually weaning from sugary foods and opt for healthier options. Remember to brush your teeth after the occasional sugary snack.

Biting your fingernails

Many people tend to bite nails when they feel anxious or bored. When we put our jaws in a protruding position, it can add extra pressure or even chip our teeth. To combat the urge to bite nails, try painting them with nail polish or keep hands busy by working on a hobby, like knitting.


Bad Habits that Can Affect Teeth


Using your teeth as a tool

Opening packaging or wrappers with our teeth increases the likelihood of cracking them. Use scissors or box cutters instead.

Brushing too hard

It is advisable to brush teeth twice daily to keep them healthy, but brushing too hard or using hard bristles can damage tooth enamel. Prevent damage by switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth with a gentle motion.


Bad Habits that Can Affect Teeth


Grinding or clenching your teeth

Jaw-clenching and tooth-grinding are habits that can result in headaches, a misaligned jaw, or damaged teeth. Sometimes tooth-grinding can be a result of anxiety, which can be controlled through relaxation techniques like meditation. For people who grind their teeth during sleep, the dentist may recommend a mouth guard.

Chewing ice

Munching on ice cubes can result in cracked or chipped teeth, enamel damage, and sensitive teeth, making it difficult to enjoy other kinds of food. Avoid chewing on ice; enjoy a small fruit popsicle to satisfy the cold craving.


Bad Habits that Can Affect Teeth


Not drinking enough water

Dehydration affects the flow of saliva (needed to keep gums healthy and neutralize the acidic components of the food we eat). Experts recommend drinking six to eight glasses of water a day to keep the body hydrated.

Many habits can have a long-term effect on oral health if not managed immediately. To combat negative effects, wean from these actions and establish new habits. Some healthy habits include regular brushing and flossing as well as drinking enough water. Regular dental checkups also help prevent damage by addressing issues in teeth and gums before they become extreme.

Springdale Dental Centre in Brampton, Ontario is here to address dental concerns with a wide variety of dental services and professional care. Schedule an appointment with our friendly staff today at (905) 458-1212.