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Why Teeth and Gums Reflect Overall Health: Five Signs to Spot

Our oral health and the general health of our bodies are strongly linked. As such, problems in the mouth reveal red flags. These signals help us detect signs and symptoms of serious health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, or AIDS (among others). If left untreated, these oral problems can endanger our bodies.

Protect your well-being; here are the top five oral health problems that indicate underlying health problems.

1. Swollen and bleeding gums – In some cases, gum disease (periodontitis)  is a strong indicator of diabetes. People with diabetes have difficulty fighting bacteria in the mouth as the disease lowers the body’s defense against infection. Swollen and bleeding gums can be the result of a diabetic person’s inability to control blood sugar. To minimize the likelihood of gum disease, eat a balanced diet, avoid stress, and brush regularly.

2. Receding gums and teeth grinding – Teeth grinding (bruxism) often occurs when you are asleep. While it is known to be caused by stress and anxiety, bruxism is also linked to a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. In extreme cases, frequent bruxism can lead to receding gums and increased tooth sensitivity. Ways to prevent bruxism include using bite guards when sleeping and getting plenty of sleep.


Photo credits: Matt Mad of

 3. Discoloured gums – Gums that appear to be paler than a normal light-to-medium-pink color is a sign of anemia. Extremely pale gums may be the result of low blood cell count — or lower levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Other symptoms of anemia include dizziness, rapid heart beat (even when at rest), and shortness of breath. If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, have a thorough check up with your doctor.

4. Gum sores – Sores on the gums or border of the mouth are probable signs of herpes caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses. These sores may develop into blisters that can last for days (or weeks) and may cause itching. Contact your doctor to get access to antiviral and healing medicines.

5. Dry gums – Dry gums are an early sign of immune system disorders (e.g. Sjogren’s syndrome). Sjogren’s syndrome impacts mucous membranes of the eyes and the mouth, causing a dryness that makes it difficult to speak and swallow. Dry gums may lead to other gum diseases, if left untreated. A dry mouth is also a warning sign of other immune system issues such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. To get a clear and accurate diagnosis, consult your doctor.

By protecting the health of your teeth and gums, you promote your own overall wellness. If you have already spotted one or more of the signs listed above, see a dentist right away. It is never too soon to commit to your general health, starting with the mouth.

Springdale Dental in Brampton, Ontario provides family dental care and general oral health services that help protect patients of all ages, from toddlers to seniors. Schedule an appointment with our clinic today by calling (905) 458-1212.