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Help Your Kids Have a Positive Teeth Cleaning Experience

Children’s dental habits need to be taught at an early age. These habits include regular teeth brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist at least once every six months. Some children may initially be uncomfortable with visits to the dentist, but having their teeth professionally cleaned is essential to overall health.

Help your child have a positive experience at the dentist by:

Being a Good Role Model

Your kids look up to you. They copy the way you think, feel and react to certain situations. Because of this, being a positive model for dental health before your child’s first dental visit can affect the outcome of their subsequent appointments.

Demonstrate good habits by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth. A child who grows up in a family that cares about their well-being is less likely to be anxious about visiting the dentist.

Be aware of your emotional reactions, even if you are concerned for your child. Show strength and smile so your child can relax and be confident.

Starting the Conversation Early

It is never too early to teach the importance of regular visits to the dentist. Help your child understand that a dental checkup keeps their teeth and gums healthy. If you can, take them with you during your regular visits so they can see it is an easy process.

Avoiding Threats

Using visits to the dentist as a scare tactic when your child misbehaves will not help them have a positive experience. Instead, explain to them why getting their teeth cleaned is important to both oral and general physical health.

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a method used by psychologists to instill certain behaviours in individuals. In the beginning, you may couple your children’s dental visits and teeth cleaning appointments with a treat, small gift or surprise. This will help them associate the experience with something positive. As they get older, you can phase out this approach.

Children need a dentist with patience and experience who is able to calm young nerves. The way the dentist interacts with your child significantly affects your child’s teeth cleaning experience and will have an impact on future appointments.

If you are looking for a children’s dentist in Brampton, make an appointment with Springdale Dental Centre. Call us today at (905) 458-1212 to book your appointment.