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Emergencies That Require Immediate Dental Treatment

There are many types of dental emergencies that require immediate medical attention. In the case of an emergency, if you cannot reach your dentist, the emergency room or emergency dental clinic will have to suffice while you are waiting for your dental provider to get back to you.

If you are not sure if you are experiencing a dental emergency, here are some questions to ask to help determine if you need immediate dental care:





7 Major Causes of Sensitive Teeth

● Are you in severe pain?
● Is there blood coming from your mouth?
● Have you been hit in the mouth or face?
● Are any of your teeth loose?
● Is there swelling in your mouth or facial area?
● Is there swelling or bulging of your gums?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, contact your dentist immediately and/or head to the nearest emergency dental centre.

When it comes to dental emergencies, there are three top reasons you will want to see the dentist right away. Those include:

One of Your Teeth has been Knocked Out or Knocked Loose:

If your tooth has been knocked out, pick up the tooth by the top part (the crown), but do not touch the roots of the tooth. Rinse the tooth in water. Do not scrub it or remove any tissue attached to it. Close the drain in your sink so the tooth does not slip from your hands and disappear. Place your tooth in a container and head to the nearest dental office or emergency dental room. You can even put it in a cup of milk to help preserve the tooth while you are in transit.

Emergencies That Require Immediate Dental Treatment

Loose Tooth or Tooth Out of Position

If one of your teeth has become loose or is suddenly out of alignment with the rest of your teeth, make a dental appointment immediately.

A Cracked, Chipped or Fractured Tooth

Emergencies That Require Immediate Dental Treatment

If you chip or crack one of your teeth but it doesn’t hurt, it is not an emergency. However, you may want to have it checked and repaired for cosmetic reasons. If the area is causing you pain, see your dentist right away because this likely means the tooth has been fractured through the middle.

For dental emergencies, call upon the friendly dental specialists at Springdale Dental Centre today at (905) 458-1212. We are ready to help you in your moment of crisis.