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How to Protect Your Oral Health from the Effects of Stress

2020 was a stressful year for everyone. Pandemic, lockdown, and physical distancing. While we are busy protecting our health from the invisible enemy, COVID-19, stress can slowly take a toll on our physical and mental health.

When you feel stress, your oral health can suffer. Unfortunately, not many people realize that stress can also contribute to various dental health conditions, including:

  • Teeth Grinding – Stress and anxiety cause you to grind your teeth while asleep. Teeth grinding or bruxism can result in significant damage to your teeth and even tooth loss. If you experience headache, sore or tired jaw and tension on the side of your face, talk to a dental care professional ASAP. Your dentist may recommend you wear a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth from enamel erosion.
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder – Stressful times can increase your risk of TMJ disorder. Clenched teeth and overused jaw muscles can cause pain in the jaw joint and muscles that control the movement of your jaw. Symptoms of TMJ disorder include locking of the joint, ear pain, temporomandibular joint pain, facial pain and difficulty chewing.
  • Mouth Ulcers and Gum Disease – Stressful periods can affect the body’s immune system, making your mouth more vulnerable to ulcers. Practicing a good dental health routine becomes more important than ever during stressful times. Brush regularly twice a day to remove plaque and kill harmful bacteria on your teeth and gums. If mouth ulcers are frequently occurring or causing you significant pain, make a trip to the dentist.
  • Dry Mouth – The combination of stress, depression and anxiety can reduce the production of saliva, resulting in dry mouth. Saliva is your mouth’s first line of defense against harmful bacteria and helps neutralize the acid that increases the risk of tooth decay and gum problems.
  • Bad Breath – Excessive presence of oral bacteria due to gum disease, dry mouth and tooth decay can result in an unpleasant odour despite regular brushing and flossing.

How to Manage Stress and Keep Dental Health in Top Condition

Find the most effective stress management strategy to reduce stress at work

When dealing with stress, people tend to focus their attention on their problems. This causes many people to skip self-care. Skipping healthy routines can have negative consequences on both our dental health and well-being.

Keep in mind these helpful tips to maintain optimal oral health to ward off the effects of stress:

  • Exercise – Regular exercise is a natural way to promote mind and body relaxation, as well as improve your mood. Working out helps the body to stimulate the release of endorphins and endocannabinoids that prevent pain, improve sleep quality and gives you a euphoric feeling. People who engage in regular physical activities tend to feel less anxious and feel more positive about themselves. When you feel good, so does your body and mind. To reap the benefits of exercise, health professionals recommend engaging in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like brisk walking or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, such as jogging or swimming per week. Make sure to set a reasonable fitness goal that you can achieve.

egular exercise keep your body and mind healthy

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques – Various relaxation techniques helps activate a state of mindfulness, allowing you to deal better with fight-or-flight hormones.
    • Yoga: This type of exercise focuses on stretching, slow movements, and deep breathing to reduce stress and anxiety.
    • Meditation: This ancient form of relaxation technique works effectively for many people. It minimizes stress, anxiety, chronic pain. It also helps you sleep well and boosts energy levels.
      1. Look for a quiet place.
      2. Sit in a comfortable position.
      3. Focus on a certain word, phrase, object or even on your breathing.
      4. Allow your thoughts to come and go without judging them.
    • Deep Breathing: Deep breathing helps promote relaxation. It activates the body’s natural ability to create a deep state of rest to respond to stress better by delivering more oxygen to the brain and calming the nervous system. To perform belly breathing:
      1. Get in a comfortable sitting or lying position.
      2. Close your eyes and place a hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
      3. Breathe deeply through your nose and feel how your belly rises more than your chest.
      4. Breathe out through your nose and feel your body relaxes.
      5. Repeat process.

Eating healthy foods is a good defense against the impact of stress

  • Eat a Healthy Diet – The benefits of eating a healthy, well-balanced diet goes beyond your waistline. A diet packed with healthful fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can boost your general well-being. Avoid giving in to sugar cravings when you feel stressed to help protect your teeth from decay and stress. Uncontrolled sugar consumption can lead to diabetes and obesity.

Getting a restful sleep helps reenergize your body and mind

  • Getting Enough Sleep – Sleeping for 7 to 8 hours a night helps your body and mind recharge and feel refresh in the morning, while lack of sleep prevents the body to manage stress properly. On the other hand, stress can also keep you up all night. Make sure to visit a health professional to address the cause of the problem. Practicing meditation also helps you relax and makes up for the lost sleep.

Taking Vacation

  • Take a Break – Most people today live a busy life. Taking a break and relaxing will give your mind and body relief from stress. Make sure to enjoy life. Unwinding can help reset your stress tolerance and boost happiness, increasing your productivity level.

Enjoying the things you love brings a sense of fun and freedom from stress

  • Make Time for Your Hobbies – Take time to enjoy the activities that bring you pleasure and joy. Set aside a few hours for gardening, listening to your favourite music or reading during your free time at home. Carving out hobby time does not only lower the stress level, but also your heart rate.

Stress is a natural and inevitable part of our lives. Learning how to handle and manage it effectively can help reduce the risk of various health and dental problems. Make sure to schedule a regular trip to the dental office. The dentist can look into your oral health, as well as provide oral health solutions to control the symptoms and prevent them from worsening. A healthy mouth means a healthy life.

Springdale Dental Centre is a trusted dental office in Brampton committed to providing comprehensive dental services, from family and general dentistry to cosmetic dental treatments, to ensure excellent oral health care. Give us a call today at (905) 458-1212 to book an appointment or visit us at 630 Peter Robertson Blvd., Brampton, Ontario. Our warm and friendly dental professionals will be happy to assist you in every way.