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How to Fight Your Sugar Cravings

Many are guilty of overindulging in treats like candy, chocolate, or even cakes. Almost everyone enjoys a cake or two, and it’s true that occasionally meals and beverages taste so much better with some extra sugar, but is the result really worth it?

Everyone is aware of the effects too much sugar has on our bodies, like diabetes, but do you realize that it may also affect your teeth? Sugar is the number one enemy of your teeth. 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 4 children have some form of tooth decay, in large part because of excessive sugar consumption.

Why Is Sugar Bad for the Teeth?

Tiny food residues become stuck on your teeth and the spaces in between them as you eat. Plaque is created when these particles combine with the bacteria in your mouth and saliva. As the bacteria react with foods and beverages heavy in sugar (carbohydrates), acid is produced. After a while, the acid starts to break down the enamel, resulting in tooth decay.

How Can I Stop My Craving For Sugar?

Ditch the usual sweet treats for some fruits

To satisfy your sugar cravings while caring for your teeth, do the following:

  • Consume smaller portions

Hormones, habits, and the psychological effect of merely seeing a luscious doughnut or a sprinkle of caramel may all contribute to our craving for sugar. People have an inherent predisposition for sweet-tasting meals. So if the craving kicks in, you may give in but only take a little bite, such as a fun-size candy bar or a small biscuit. Taking pleasure in a small amount of what you love might prevent you from feeling deprived. Try to keep your intake around 150 calories. If a modest serving size is not available, share your dessert with your friends.

  • Balance your meals

There are ways to fill yourself up whenever a strong desire for something sweet kicks in. Mix the meal you are craving with something nutritious, like coating a banana in melted chocolate. Consider varying your typical diet as well. Learn new recipes, try some unfamiliar fruits and veggies, or mix various ingredients to make new dishes. By diversifying your diet day to day, you may be able to discover a new meal that makes you look forward to mealtime while also fulfilling your sugar cravings.

  • Have some fruits instead

Instead of candies, cookies, and chocolates, take some fruit instead to fight sugar cravings naturally. You will receive your much-needed sugar fix, while also getting fibre and minerals. Likewise, stock up on things like dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. Keep them at hand so you may grab one of them rather than the usual sweet treats.

  • Choose quality over quantity

If you must indulge in sugar, pick a delicious, indulgent sugary snack, but limit yourself to a small amount. For instance, select a tiny dark chocolate truffle rather than a large candy bar, and then take your time enjoying each bite. Avoid giving up your favorites immediately. Going cold turkey will only have you coming back for larger quantities of sweets. Instead, learn to include little portions in your diet, but focus on giving yourself the chance to slowly work your way up to less sweet and healthier alternatives.

  • Do Not skip meals

If you go too long between meals, you can end up selecting fatty, sugary items to satisfy your appetite. Eat every 3 to 5 hours to regulate your blood sugar and keep you satisfied for longer. This will also help you avoid emotional eating. Don’t forget to include protein, vegetables, or other nutritious carbohydrates and healthy fats in every meal you consume.

  • Take it slow

Reaching for a snack is acceptable if you are really hungry. Other than that, take a few calm breaths, a glass of water, or a little stroll to take your mind off of food and suppress sugar cravings. Pay attention to what you are eating. Lack of preparation frequently leads to an unhealthy diet. So rather than eating on a whim, take your time and make a plan. By preparing your meal list at the start of the week, you may be proactive and avoid excursions to the vending machine for packaged items high in sugar.

  • Get support

Sometimes, when people are worried, unhappy, or furious, they gravitate toward sugary meals. In the long run, one way of how to satisfy a sweet tooth without sugar is to get support. Take into account your emotions and whether you require assistance in finding other ways to reduce your sugar cravings. You can also surround yourself with people who have the same goal as you and resist sweet temptation together.

What to Eat When You Are Craving Sweets?

Whole grains can make you feel full and off of sugar

It can be challenging for those with sugar cravings to maintain self-control around food since they have a strong need to consume anything sweet. Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives you can consume to get your sugar craving fix:

  • Fruits

When you crave sugary foods, switching to fruit instead of junk food may help you satisfy your sweet tooth and lower your appetite. Fruit is inherently sweet, but it is also rich in fibre and nutritious plant chemicals, so you may satisfy your cravings without sacrificing your health.

  • Smoothies

A smoothie might be a fantastic choice if you have a sweet tooth and need a treat to satisfy it right away. You may fulfill your cravings by combining the filling qualities of yogurt with the richness of the fruit, which also offers a wealth of healthy nutrients. To keep the beneficial fibre in your smoothie, use the entire fruit rather than just the juice.

  • Whole Grains

Whole grains have B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium. Whole grains are also abundant in fibre, which can help you feel full and keep you away from sweet treats.

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is a calcium- and protein-rich nutritious food. Additionally, research indicates that it can be a healthy snack to support appetite control and hunger management. For the healthiest option, choose yogurt with living cultures and without the added sugar.

  • Trail Mix

The term “trail mix” is frequently used to describe a snack that includes dried fruit and nuts. Although the actual ingredients might differ, trail mix is a terrific option if you are in the mood for something sweet. In addition to being a delicious way to include nuts in your diet, the taste of the dried fruit can help you reduce your sugar cravings.

To make sure your teeth are kept as healthy as possible, reducing your sugar intake and being mindful of what you eat is a great place to start. However, you should not stop there. Make sure that you religiously maintain good dental hygiene and regularly see your dentist.

For your dental needs, come to Springdale Dental Centre. Your family’s oral health is our top priority. Visit our dental clinic in Brampton or call (905) 458-1212 to schedule an appointment.